How To Look Well Rested, Even If You’re Totally Not

8 hours.

That’s how much sleep doctors recommend you get to recharge your body, regenerate cells and rest your mind enough to prepare for another day. But not everyone has the luxury of getting a full 8 hours in every night. You have things to do!

That’s why you know all too well what happens when you get less sleep than you should. Your complexion looks dull and pores are enlarged, while the dark circles and bags around your red eyes make you look how you feel: exhausted.

If you didn’t get enough sleep but still need to look like you totally did, here are a few cheats you can do:

For Your Eyes

Even if your eyes aren’t red, the whites still won’t look as clear and bright. You’ll need to cheat the white by lining the waterline using white eyeliner. Use an eyelash curler and mascara to make your eyes look more open and then do something about those bags and dark circles: use a creamy concealer and a little highlighter. A little Juvéderm can also do the trick.

For Your Cheeks

Your skin will look drier than usual, which means if you need to highlight those cheekbones don’t use any powder products. A cream or liquid will do much better for you, and make sure to use a warmer shade so that you don’t look so dull.

For Your Lips

The lips are easy. A little gloss or oil will make them look less parched and ready to face yet another day.


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