Kybella Proven (Again) That It Works For Under Chin Fat

Doctors at the University of British Columbia and Carruthers & Humphrey, Vancouver, British Columbia, recently conducted a study into Kybella (also known as an injectable form of deoxycholic acid, or ATX-101) and its effects on their under-chin fat (submental fat). 516 adults participated in the study, with 86.2% being women. The average age of the participants was 47.9 years, and they all had moderate-to-severe fat in the area.

An MRI was used to determine the amount of fat reduced after their treatment.

The doctors found that not only was their a significant reduction of fat in the targeted area after their treatment, participants also experienced satisfaction with their results.

This study is yet another one that confirms Kybella is a viable nonsurgical alternative to surgical fat removal options that have been traditionally used to date, which is usually liposuction.

The study was published in the April 2016 edition of the Journal of the American Academy of Dermatology.


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