Correcting A Juvéderm Injection

Juvéderm is fantastic, isn’t it? Thin lips, jowls, wrinkles, sunken cheeks and much more can all be corrected with an injection of the product performed by a medical pro in under an hour.

But, yes, sometimes even the most experienced and knowledgeable doctors can create a result that isn’t as desirable as a patient hoped. A little too much Juvéderm may have been injected into an area, or a lumpy contour may have resulted. While massaging the area may help to adjust results, it can be insufficient to totally correct the problem. In these situations, a corrective procedure can be performed to fix the problem adequately.

Hyaluronidase is an enzyme product that can be injected into the area to break down the unwanted amount of Juvéderm. While hyaluronic acid-based injectable fillers last anywhere from 4 months to a year (and sometimes even longer depending on the individual, frequency of treatment and the area injected), hyaluronidase accelerates the disintegration process of the filler so that lumps and excess volume may be removed. It is not common for patients to request a corrective procedure at Skin Vitality, but if it is required it can be performed as long as the original dermal filler injected is hyaluronic acid-based.


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