How to Get a Chiseled Jawline – Chin Fillers – Belkyra

No more double chin

Blame it on social media, but we are seeing a different side of ourselves. In a study conducted by Allergan, over 2/3 of Americans are bothered by submental fullness, aka a double chin. Fortunately, there are ways to get rid of the unwanted fat under the chin. 

There are multiple factors that contribute to that pesky double chin, the extra layer of fat that develops underneath the skin. Some of these factors are within our control, however others unfortunately are not. So many people want to know how to lose their double chin without risky and expensive procedures. These are some factors that can cause a double chin: 

  • Age: The skin naturally loses elasticity as we age which can lead to saggy skin 
  • Diet and weight: Weight gain can be another factor that contributes to double chins 
  • Genetics: Some people who have a family history of skin with little elasticity may be more likely to develop double chins themselves 
  • Posture: Poor posture can weaken neck and chin muscles which can contribute to double chin over time. The surrounding skin loses elasticity when the muscles are not used. 

How to Lose Your Double Chin with CoolSculpting

CoolSculpting uses a patented cooling technique to reduce fat cells. It is an extremely effective way to get rid of a double chin because the cold temperature that is used destroys fat cells which are gradually absorbed by the body. Eventually, the fat cells are filtered out as waste over several months leaving you with a more sculpted look. When the fat cells die, they don’t damage the surrounding nerves, muscles, and other tissues. Many people get rid of their double chin with CoolSculpting because the procedure: 

  • Is non-invasive and doesn’t require needles or anesthesia 
  • Has minimal recovery time 
  • Can produce immediate results after a single double chin removal session 

Double Chin Removal

This double chin removal is a great option for people who are already at their ideal weight. The treatment should not be used as a weight loss method. The average CoolSculpting session lasts about 35 minutes, and we use a handheld applicator. You can relax by listening to music or reading during the treatment. The process goes as follows: 

  • A gel pad is applied
  • The applicator delivers controlled cooling to the targeted fat while using a suction 
  • You may feel some mild tingling, stinging, and pinching but there is minimal pain 
  • The treated areas are typically massaged directly post-double chin removal treatment to break up any frozen deep tissue. The massage also helps your body absorb the destroyed fat cells. 

CoolSculpting Results

CoolSculpting Chin Before and After

There is no recovery time after a double chin removal procedure, so most people can continue their normal activities right after. Sometimes, minor redness and soreness can occur on the chin, but this usually goes away after a few weeks. As people use CoolSculpting to get rid of their double chin, they may notice results within only three weeks of the procedure. Usually, people see improvement after two or three months and the fat reduction process continues for up to six months after the initial treatment. 

When some people want to learn how to lose their double chin, they are often looking to CoolSculpting as a main solution. However, to maintain the results it is important to eat healthy and exercise regularly. 

CoolSculpting vs. Kybella: What is the Best Treatment for a Double Chin?

Belkyra is deoxycholic acid, a naturally occurring product in the body that breaks down dietary fat. It is injected in multiple spots into the area of concern, and upon injection, the fat cells’ membranes are destroyed, and the fat is gone for good.

The results are gradual after receiving Kybella injections. Most patients notice the results within 4-6 weeks of receiving treatments. Some patients need a second Kybella injection 6-12 weeks after the initial treatment.

CoolSculpting kills cells by freezing fat cells to death, process called cryolipolysis. The specially designed applicator is placed on the chin area using suction to hold the tissue in place and then delivers controlled cooling to the area. The body further breaks down the fat cells over the course of three months following both treatments. 

The similarities: 

Both Kybella and CoolSculpting permanently destroy the fat cells. Results are best seen about 3 months from the last treatment, and more than one session is usually needed for best results. 

Benefits of Kybella:

  • No Downtime: Kybella is a non-surgical treatment. There is no downtime, and the recovery is fast. People who want results without spending days or weeks recovering love Kybella.  
  • Fast Treatment: The entire procedure only takes 30 minutes. Patients can get Kybella and return to their normal lives right after. 
  • Permanent Solution: Kybella injections destroy the fat cells. Once destroyed, those fat cells cannot return. Those who maintain a proper diet after injections will not require additional treatments 
  • Impressive Results: Patients who receive the required number of injections can expect impressive results. The injection can either greatly reduce or eliminate the double chin. These results boost people’s self-confidence. 

Kybella Before and After

How to Prepare for Belkyra:

  • Stop taking anti-inflammatory medications 
  • Schedule downtime if they don’t want people to notice the redness or swelling 
  • Cleanse the face before the procedure 

Book a free consultation at Skin Vitality today to discuss which treatment is best fit for your needs or call +1-877-356-7776 for more information!


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