Help the weightloss along

That’s one of our very own experiencing a dramatic weight loss after being on our customized diet plan!

If you are trying to lose some weight, you have not doubt realized how difficult it can be. Losing weight works best when you change up all you habits, add healthier foods to your diet and get exercising.  To help your process along there are a few things you can do to give yourself a hand losing weight.

Balancing your blood sugars

This is very important, if your blood sugars are balanced you won’t have craving so you won’t be tempted to drop your diet for that bar of chocolate. When your blood sugar levels are balanced you will burn fat instead of storing it which will help you loose weight, you can do this by:

  • Drinking water and half a lemon every morning on an empty stomach. This will balance your ph levels and blood sugar
  • Drinking two cap fulls of apple cider vinegar in 500ml of water after every meal, this will aid digestion and level out your blood sugars
  • Eat leafy greens twice a day, so but some kale in your smoothie and have some salad for lunch
  • Eat healthy fats such as Avocado, almond butter, almonds to aid blood sugar levels
  • Eat more protein, it increases your metabolism and aids you blood sugar levels, eat pumpkin seeds, fish, chicken and plan natural Greek yoghourt

Stay away from

  • Refined sugar, fizzy drinks, sweets, ice-cream.
  • Refined carbs such as white pasta, white breads and cereals these spike blood sugars

If you are looking to loose weight why not see about our customized weight loss program.


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