32 Is The Magic Number

Do you remember when you started getting serious about your skincare regimen? How about when you started selecting creams for their anti-aging benefits? Or when you first started to get annoyed by lines and wrinkles?

According to a European study funded by Allergan, the makers of BOTOX Cosmetic, the average age when British men and women start ramping up their beauty regimens  is 32 years old. This is due to three primary reasons: the worsening of wrinkles and lines, the ability to spend more money, and seeing themselves in a photo and realizing they look “old”. They also wished they could look, on average, 8 years younger. Skin Vitality can help you Look up to 10 Years Younger!

Interestingly, the study also found that more than half of the British men and women who were surveyed and who had undergone injectable treatments designed to address wrinkles and lines wished they had done so earlier. After all, injectable treatments like BOTOX and fillers can effectively ward off the development of wrinkles in the first place, making subsequent treatments less intensive.

The study is based on 10,000 women across the UK and western Europe.


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