Keep Wrinkles Away

Wrinkles are an inevitable part of the aging process. Things that you may be doing everyday can contribute to wrinkle development, like not using sunscreen, smoking, eating poorly and sleeping on your front or side. Here are some things you can do everyday to help reduce wrinkle formation.

1. Limit your alcohol intake. Drinking too much alcohol dehydrates your skin, leading to  wrinkles. Control the temptations and your complexion will thank you for it!

2. Sleep well. Insufficient sleep causes your body to produce the stress hormone called cortisol. Not only does cortisol destroy healthy skin cells to make your skin weaker and more prone to complexion issues, it also makes you want to eat more!

3. UV rays are the number one cause of wrinkles. Isn’t that good enough reason to use sunscreen?

4. Don’t pull and stretch your skin while applying skincare products and makeup. This will prevent the formation of wrinkles and creases.

5. Check out injectable treatments. If you’re seeing wrinkles and want to get rid of them, consider Botox. You’ll love the wrinkle smoothing effect!


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