Three Reasons Why You Shouldn’t Scratch An Itch

Are you suffering from itchy skin? You probably are, especially since it’s winter. You already know that the best way to treat this annoying problem is to just stop scratching. Although it’s way easier said than done, scratching may temporarily relieve the itch, but eventually, it will only make the itchiness worse, whether it’s in the short or long run. And everyone knows that itchiness is no part of beautiful, healthy skin.

Although scientists aren’t really sure why we scratch to relieve and itch, they do know that itchiness tends to get worse if you scratch the affected area. There are three possible reasons for this:

1. Scratching the epidermis (the outer layer of the skin) makes it thicker, which can make it itchier.

2. Scratching can break the skin and make it more vulnerable to infection – and infection can make it itchier, not to mention cause a bigger problem like scarring and pigmentation irregularities.

3. Scratching becomes a habit, and a mindless reflex to an itch. The more you scratch, the more the area feels itchy, and the more you scratch. It’s a vicious cycle that you must consciously stop.

Are those enough reasons? It might be tempting to have a good scratch the next time your skin is itchy, but try to avoid giving in. Keep your hands busy and think about something else. And remember to moisturize!


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