Getting Beach-Ready For Summer? Don’t Forget About Your Skin!

Summer is coming – and we all know what that means. For men and women alike, the changing of the seasons means a shift toward sexier clothing and showing off more and more skin as things heat up outside. Men in shorts, women in dresses and skirts, bikinis and swim trunks at the beach – what’s not to love?

Unfortunately, the switch to warmer weather also means some of our insecurities start heating up right in sync with the temperature. Most of us spend more time indoors in the winter, meaning that our bodies might not quite be beach-ready by the time summer rolls around; while we should all be out celebrating the first blush of spring by the time you can hear birds chirping outside, there’s a good chance many of us are still indoors, checking ourselves out in the mirror and fretting about bikini season.

The thing is, a lot of the things we worry about by the time summer rolls around are pretty easy to correct. A better diet, stricter exercise regime and more effort put into managing our physical appearance is all it takes to lose those extra winter pounds and get our bodies ready for the exposure that comes with the summer sun. But what about our skin? While it’s possible to reverse the effects of sitting on the couch watching Game of Thrones as winter goes on, it’s a lot less easy to push back against the passage of time and the way it can negatively impact the look of your skin. Through no fault of your own, your skin may have lost some of its youthful vitality and radiance – become dull or wrinkled simply because of the fact that you, like, everyone else in the world, are getting a little bit older.

The summer sunlight really brings this out, and before you know it you can find yourself feeling a bit insecure over the brand new fine lines and wrinkles that have showed up along your face. Old wisdom would have it that dealing with wrinkles can’t ever be as simple as doing all the other stuff you’d do to prepare for spring – hitting the gym, getting a new haircut – but these days, with the magic of Botox® , you can get that youthful glow back and turn the hands of time right back around.

Botox® is one of our most popular treatments at Skin Vitality – we give hundreds of injections across our clinics throughout the GTA every single day – and when you see the effects of the treatment, it’s really no wonder. Botox® is one of the single most effective ways to counteract and even erase the look of wrinkles without having to go through the nasty and time-consuming processes of more dangerous or difficult surgeries. Who wants to be holed up at home recovering from a painful procedure when instead, you can be outside in the sun, enjoying the turned heads and compliments your revitalized skin is getting you? Botox’s noninvasiveness is one of its most appealing characteristics, and between that and its effectiveness, there’s no limit to the advantages of this procedure.

Add Botox® to your summer beach prep routine – the procedure’s quick and simple enough that you can fit it in between work and spin class – and you’ll be glad you did once you start seeing the amazing effects it can have on your wrinkles. Come in and see us at Skin Vitality today to talk about how Botox® can help you look and feel your best this summer! We can guarantee you’ll be glad you did.


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