Boost your energy with food.

We all need a little boost sometimes. Whether it was staying up too late or getting up to early, not eating right or not sleeping well, we all get tired and need a lift. So, instead of reaching for the coffee, why not try adding some of these foods to your diet? These energy boosting foods are a natural way to get you through the day. Plus, they won’t mess up your CoolSculpting results!

Almonds: are a good source of healthy fats and protein to balance blood sugar levels.

Quinoa: rich in complex carbohydrates and protein, quinoa is a highly nutritious grain that keeps you full and energized.

Bananas: high in potassium and B vitamins, bananas help slow down digestion and can keep blood sugar levels stable.

Bran: a good way to start your morning as it is full of B-vitamins, iron, and magnesium.

Dark Chocolate: an excellent source of iron and magnesium but make sure you get at least 70% chocolate.

Coconut: the oils found in coconuts turn to energy quickly.

Lentils: stabilizes blood glucose levels.

Whole Grains: the complex carbohydrates, fibre, B-vitamins and iron will keep you energized until your next meal.

Water: plays a major role in the body, and without enough of it the body lacks efficiency, leaving you feeling fatigued.


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