Adult Women Acne Treatment

Acne is definitely not a problem for teenagers only. Women well into adulthood can also get acne, and for sufferers the condition can be even more embarrassing.

The causes of acne for adult women are generally related to such things as stress and hormones. When you’re juggling a full time career, a household and other major responsibilities, stress is just something you have to live with. However, soaring stress levels plus unstable hormonal activity at times such as before menstruation, during pregnancy and throughout menopause make a perfect foundation on which acne thrives and can easily become a chronic condition.

As a woman, successful acne treatment relies on finding the perfect balance between addressing the problem by cosmetic medicine and adjusting lifestyle habits. Treatments like a Toronto chemical peel can achieve fabulous results (not to mention target other complexion flaws, such as pigmentation problems and roughness), but you really should also address your stress levels and consider your current physical state to get the best and most lasting results.


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