Cellutone Cellulite Removal Treatment Toronto



Frustrated with cellulite? Get rid of unsightly dimples and lumpiness with BTL Cellutone.

BTL Cellutone is a noninvasive cellulite reduction treatment that also improves the smoothness and firmness of your skin. Utilizing the unique power of targeted mechanical vibrations, Cellutone stimulates the skin structures at a precise depth to kickstart fat elimination and cellular repair. In fact, the vibrations reach so deeply that it can achieve more dramatic results in fewer sessions. But don’t worry — even though the treatment is intense, it’s quick and totally pain-free and requires no downtime.

You may even see results with your first treatment!

cellulite treatment Toronto

Areas affected by cellulite have constricted blood flow and poor circulation. This leads to fat and waste accumulation which causes the lumps and bumps that cellulite is. Cellutone improves circulation and breaks down fat lumps, allowing the body to better flush away trapped fluids and waste as well as reduce the overall fat stored in the area.

Fight Fat with the Power Pack: CoolSculpting+Cellutone

Cellutone on its own is great at fighting fat, but you can speed up your results by combining it with another treatment.

Cellutone provides the ability to kick start the wound healing process by pulling blood into the treatment area, initiating lymphatic drainage, and increasing the concentration of nutrients.  It can also help to speed up the production of collagen and elastin. For this reason, it’s  highly effective when combined with another treatment that is specifically designed for fat reduction, like CoolSculpting.

Right after CoolSculpting, it’s crucial to get blood flow back into the treated area so that the body can begin healing. It also helps to break down the frozen fat and initiate lymphatic drainage. Cellutone can “massage” better, deeper, quicker, and more efficiently than any manual method can.

Skin Vitality Medical Clinic is the #1 Provider of CoolSculpting, Botox, Juvéderm, Fraxel and EMSculpt in Canada & because of that WE CAN OFFER YOU:

  • The Lowest Prices in the Country with the BEST POSSIBLE RESULT!
  • Most experienced Medical Professionals with the most Specialized Extensive Training = BEST RESULTS FOR OUR PATIENTS!
  • Open 9am to 8pm Monday to Friday plus Saturdays until 5pm!
  • 9 Locations across the GTA and surrounding area.
  • 27+ years in Business taking care of Patient Needs
  • Over 200 Staff including 10 Doctors and 50 Nurses
  • Free Assessments with our Medical Professionals
  • 100% Certified Authentic Cellutone
  • State-of-the-art facilities
  • Health Canada and FDA Approved
  • Five Star Testimonials / 96% Patient Satisfaction

How Does Cellutone Work?

A special handpiece is used to expose the desired area with targeted mechanical vibrations. These vibrations penetrate the skin’s layers at a precise depth to improve oxygen and microcirculation supply. By increasing the blood supply and circulation in the area, your body is better able to remove excess interstitial fluid that causes cellulite formation. You’ll get better lymphatic drainage and speed up the elimination of fat cells so you can have the smoother body you’ve always wanted.

You can get Cellutone in these areas:

  • abdomen
  • love handles
  • buttocks
  • thighs

Cellutone can be used on its own or to enhance the results of another treatment. You can also get more serious body contouring by having it done alongside another treatment, such as EMSCULPT Muscle Toning or CoolSculpting Fat Reduction. Imagine how great you’ll look!


Before and After Cellutone for the Stomach
Before and After Cellutone for the Stomach
Before and After Cellutone for the Stomach
Before and After Cellutone for the Stomach
Before and After Cellutone for the Waist/Flanks
Before and After Cellutone for the Waist/Flanks
Before and After Cellutone for the Buttocks
Before and After Cellutone for the Buttocks
Before and After Cellutone for the Buttocks
Before and After Cellutone for the Buttocks
Before and After Cellutone for the Thighs
Before and After Cellutone for the Thighs

Cellutone Results

You may be able to see an improvement after a single session. Most people need about 4-6 sessions to see their optimal results. These sessions are spaced over a couple of months. You won’t need to take any special medications or exercise and diet to see your results!

Right after each session, you may feel a bit itchy in the treated area. There may be some swelling, bruising, redness, and splotching, but nothing that will prevent you from dramatically changing your regular schedule.

Free Consultation

Free in Clinic Consultation and Assessment with a Member of our Medical Team at any one of our 14 locations.

Free in Clinic Consultation and Assessment with a Member of our Medical Team at one of our 14 locations!