4 Puffy Face Solutions

While all that partying over the long weekend was fun, has it left you with a puffy face that makes you look like you’ve gained a ton of weight instantly? Before you come in to see us about a laser skin tightening Toronto procedure, look at your lifestyle and what you’ve eaten recently. There are 4 things you can do on your own that may help alleviate the puffiness:

1. Oversleeping can contribute to puffiness, since our heads are not elevated as much as when we’re awake (this contributes to the pooling of fluids in our face, resulting in puffiness). When you go to sleep, elevate your head higher than usual. With the help of gravity, this will keep the swelling to a minimum.

2. A cool compress applied to puffy areas can help by easing any inflammation and promote the drainage of fluids.

3. Because circulation is the key to alleviating puffiness, try gently massaging the puffy spots using a small circular motion going upwards. Take care to not rub too hard, as you don’t want to tug or damage your skin.

4. Cut back on the salt. Salt makes our body retain water, and this could be causing your puffy face. If you’ve eaten too much salt recently, cut back not just for the sake of vanity, but also for your health!

A note: puffiness may also be the result of a serious medical condition or trauma. If this is the case for you, the above tips probably won’t work. Talk to your doctor instead.


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