Acne, Mild to Severe

Acne affects a huge percentage of the population, even in the forty to fifty year old range. It’s definitely not a condition that only teenagers have to deal with, even though they are the most susceptible due to raging hormones and excess sebum production (you have an 85% chance of getting acne in your teens!)

Fortunately, as we age, we tend to reduce our chances of getting acne mainly due to decreasing sebum production. But we can still get it, and your condition can range from mild to severe.

Mild acne, which is characterized by some comedones and mild inflammation, can be treated by following a good skincare regimen at home. It may be best to spot treat, since products designed for acne may be too harsh for the rest of your skin. You’ll need to follow the treatment as outlined by one of our Medical Consultants for the best effect. Follow it closely to minimize irritation and prevent negative side effects.

Moderate acne is characterized by more than 20 comedones but less than 100, with put to 50 inflamed lesions. Severe acne is the most problematic  condition, and can include visible scarring and further damage to the skin caused by picking. Moderate to severe acne is often only effectively treated with a combination of topical treatments, such as Toronto chemical peels, coupled with an at-home skincare regimen, all of which are monitored by a skincare specialist.


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