Drinking Alcohol is Bad For Your Skin

It’s summertime, and nothing’s better than an ice cold beer on a hot day – but before you drink too much, remember that drinking alcohol can be bad for your complexion! You may have to do cut drinking out if you really want to maintain the benefits of your Botox wrinkle treatment Toronto!

Our liver takes a beating when we drink too much alcohol. The habit can make the liver become less effective in doing what it’s supposed to do: detoxify. And with inefficient elimination of toxins from the body, they accumulate and the effects show up in our complexion. Skin becomes less radiant, ruddier and can succumb to the signs of aging faster, with wrinkles and pigmentation irregularities appearing sooner. The habit of excessive drinking also makes the skin red, as a result of its dilating effect on the capillaries (dilated capillaries can even remain a permanent fixture if the habit is long term).

And last, but not least, drinking too much also dehydrates you, making the skin dry and less supple. Not a pretty picture!

For the sake of your complexion, it’s better not to drink too much. But if you just can’t resist, drink plenty of water to combat the negative effects of alcohol consumption.


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