Laser Hair Removal Ajax


Selectively target and eliminate your dark, coarse hairs without causing any damage to the surrounding skin. Skin Vitality offers Laser Hair Removal, one of the most common and safest treatments to permanently remove hair. This treatment beams highly concentrated light into the hair follicles, which is then absorbed, destroying the hair.

Ajax Laser Hair Removal Near Me

Skin Vitality Medical Clinic is the #1 Provider of Laser Hair Removal, CoolSculpting®, Botox®, Juvederm®, Sculptra®, EMSculpt®, Fraxel®, and PRP® Hair Restoration in Canada and WE CAN OFFER YOU:



About Laser Hair Removal for smoother, hair-free skin:

Laser hair removal is based on advanced technology that targets the hair follicle in the exact place it grows. By destroying the follicle, hair can no longer grow, eliminating it permanently! The laser hair removal treatment can give you smoother, hair-free skin within a few weeks.

You want to be hair-free without the hassle of shaving and waxing every few days. Imagine if you could get rid of unwanted hair within a few weeks, permanently.

Laser Hair Removal Ajax at Skin Vitality

Our highly trained medical team at Skin Vitality uses a virtually painless laser, Sporano® XL Laser Hair Removal by Alma. Soprano® XL is a Health Canada approved medical grade laser for the safest, most effective treatments. Minimal laser hair removal treatments are required and most patients achieve their desired hair removal results within 4-8 sessions.

The treatment is recommended for patients whose hair is darker than their skin. It causes no damage to the skin, so even the most sensitive patient can be treated. To determine whether laser hair removal is right for you, we offer complimentary consultations prior to treatment, in-clinic or virtually, in the comfort of your own home.

Laser Hair Removal Treatments In The News

What They’re Saying About Laser Hair Removal


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Where can Laser Hair Removal be used?

A common question from patients who are considering laser hair removal is what areas the treatment can be used for. While still highly effective, the laser hair removal treatment is also gentle enough to be used even on the more sensitive areas of the body. Traditionally, the most common areas of the body treated with laser hair removal are:

  • Face (upper lip, chin, sideburns)
  • Underarms
  • Back
  • Legs
  • Bikini area
  • Brazilian (can include the labia)

If there is an area you are looking to treat with laser hair removal and you do not see it listed above, please reach out to one of our medical consultants for a full list of treatment options.

Watch This Quick Video ON LASER HAIR REMOVAL!

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Founded in 1992, Skin Vitality Medical Clinic has 13 Locations across Southeastern Ontario. Our Medical Team consists of over 200 professionals including 10 Medical Doctors, 40 Nurse Practitioners and dozens of Registered Nurses and Registered Practical Nurses. We are the Largest Provider of Botox®, Juvederm®, CoolSculpting®, Hair Restoration®, Sculptra®, EMSculpt® and Fraxel® in Canada. 

How Does Laser Hair Removal work?

Optimal results are typically reached after a series of treatments so multiple appointments are recommended. The number of follow-ups required for a given patient can range drastically depending on hair and skin type. Regardless, sticking to a schedule of repeated laser hair removal appointments is essential for achieving proper results.

Soprano uses pulses of infrared diode laser energy to gradually heat the hair follicles in the subdermal layer of skin. This damage to the hair follicles inhibits and/or delays future hair growth. With the combination of IN-Motion™ technology and a patented Dual Chill™ treatment tip, the surface of your skin remains cool throughout the treatment.

Avoiding Tanning Before and After Laser Hair Removal

Individuals with darker skin tones require special consideration when undergoing a laser hair removal treatment. Laser hair removal works by directing light energy toward follicles — meaning that if your skin is darker then it becomes much more difficult for lasers to adequately target dark hairs.

If you desire hair removal therapy and have a naturally fair skin colour, then tanning is not advised for this reason. Tanning can increase the risk of potential danger. Tanning causes heat to accumulate on the skin and laser treatments involve the direction of intensely focused heat (even if patients experience treatments without feeling this heat directly). The combination of skin that has been heated by concentrated UV rays in tanning and laser application can lead to skin damage or other adverse effects.


FAQ's Laser Hair Removal

Laser Hair Removal is a treatment used to remove unwanted hair and inhibit hair growth. It uses a laser that emits a light that is absorbed by the pigment (melanin) in the hair. The light energy is converted into heat, which damages the hair follicles that produce hairs.

Costs vary depending on the area and size of the body being treated and can range from $60 – $400. 3-8 sessions are typically needed initially.

Speak with our medical consultant today to receive a more accurate view of the cost, which will take personalized concerns into account!

After you’re finished receiving all of your treatment sessions, the laser hair removal will last for at least 2 years, and will remain permanent with yearly touch-up sessions!

Technology has come a long way – the process is now virtually painless. The handheld laser device uses a cooling tip to ensure that the surface of the skin remains cool while it targets the hair follicle, so the procedure is comfortable. At most, this sensation is like little pinches, or like snapping a rubber band against your skin. It hurts far less than waxing, especially in the more sensitive areas of the body like the bikini line.

Before your laser hair removal, protective eye shields will be placed over your eyes to prevent any damage. The hair that will be undergoing treatment will be trimmed to a few millimeters above the skin surface. A cold gel or special cooling device will be used to protect the outer layers of the skin, as well as make the treatment more effective by facilitating laser light penetration through the skin.

A test treatment will be done by directing a test pulse light to the treatment area, where a low-energy laser beam will pass through the skin and be absorbed by the pigment of the active-growth follicles. The low-energy laser beam is then directed spot-by-spot to the treatment areas, instantly and permanently disabling the active-growth hair follicles with each treatment.

Laser Hair Removal results are cumulative, so you will begin to see the hair shed in a few days after your first session. With each subsequent treatment session, you will continue to see further reduction in hair growth.

The length of a Laser Hair Removal treatment session will vary depending on the size of the area being treated. For smaller areas like the upper lip, sessions can be as short as just 3-7 minutes! Larger areas like the legs or back can take up to an hour.

There is no downtime post-treatment of laser hair removal! Some skin irritation may occur, such as temporary discomfort, redness or swelling. These side effects typically disappear within several hours.

After your initial treatments, the results of Laser Hair Removal will remain permanent with yearly touch-up sessions!

You can think of laser hair removal as a beauty investment. The results are permanent, and the convenience of no longer shaving or waxing is well worth it!

Speak to one of our Medical Consultants about how laser hair removal is right for you, and receive a customized treatment protocol!


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Free in Clinic Consultation and Assessment with a Member of our Medical Team at any one of our 13 locations.

Free in Clinic Consultation and Assessment with a Member of our Medical Team at one of our 13 locations!