Wrinkle Treatment: Antioxidants

Everywhere these days, you’ll see products boasting how packed full of antioxidants  they are, but let’s be honest. Do you actually know why they’ve become so important?

It all starts with oxidation. Oxidation is a the process by which oxygen combines with another substance and reacts with it. Sometimes, oxidation is a good thing; the best example is our brains – we need oxygen to keep it operating properly!

But oxidation isn’t always a good thing. The byproduct of the oxidation process is something called free radicals, and it’s these that we should be so concerned about. Most free radicals, also known as oxidants, are highly unstable and attack other molecules in our bodies, causing damage that can be fatal long term. It’s free radicals that destroy healthy cells, leading to the development of wrinkles, pigmentation irregularities, and more serious health problems like stroke and even cancer. That’s why antioxidants, substances that fight against free radicals, are so important. Antioxidants arm the body with the ability to resist the damaging effects of free radicals, slowing and preventing the signs of aging from appearing.

Great sources of antioxidants are fresh fruit and vegetables. Getting enough of this food group shouldn’t be a problem! Try aiming for at least 7-8 servings a day. Nourishing and fighting the signs of aging from within can be one of the best wrinkle treatments!


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