Tweezing is really a life skill you should master. It’s the perfect way to get rid of strands of hair that are making your brows look unkempt, or your chin too manly. If you tweeze, remember:

1. Always use clean tweezers. Infections can easily start with a dirty pair of tweezers.
2. For eyebrows, don’t concentrate on one size for too long. Doing so may contribute to lopsided brows, despite the best of intentions. Always switch back and forth between the two to avoid over plucking.
3. Tweeze after you’ve just washed your face with warm water or taken a shower. Skin softened by warm water is more favourable to tweezing.
4. Don’t cheap out on the tweezers. This is a tool you’ll probably be using for life, so make sure you invest in a pair that is of high quality. It’ll also make the job easier.


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