Increasing Collagen For Beautiful Skin Through Food

Collagen is one of those substances that all of us who are concerned about our skin know very well about. It is a type of fibre made from protein and is essential in the formation of healthy, supple skin, and can be enhanced by nonsurgical treatments like skin tightening Toronto.

Collagen has high amounts of the amino acids, hydroxylysine and hydroxyproline. These amino acids help create the strength and flexibility of the fibres, and for this reason, it is generally believed consuming foods with great amounts of lysine and proline may help boost collagen production in your body and skin.

Here are some foods that contain proline:
egg whites
wheat germ

And lysine may be found in these foods:
lean meats
low-fat dairy products
legumes, especially peanuts

However, before you go and start loading up your plate with these foods, you’ll need to include the consumption of Vitamin C as well, since it’s required to change proline and lysine into what is required by collagen: hydroxyproline and hydroxylysine.


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