Pros and cons to going Gluten Free

So the new trend is to go Gluten Free but what are the actual benefits of making such a huge change to your diet?

Pros of Eliminating Gluten

  • If you have a gluten intolerance or sensitivity, you may have inflammation of the intestinal tract. Eating gluten free can help reverse this damage and inflammation which may relieve bloating .
  • Leads to a healthier diet filled with less processed foods as a lot of processed foods contain gluten and encourages label reading.
  • Introduces higher quality grains, like quinoa, into your diet
  • Something as simple as migraines can see some relief by eliminating gluten from your daily diet.
  • You’re less likely to get type 2 diabetes or anemia, and even type 1 diabetes may benefit from a lack of gluten.

Cons of Eliminating Gluten

  • Reduced intake of good carbohydrate can lead to health issues.
  • Lack of fiber from traditional sources can lead to digestive issues.
  • Possible weight gain from eating gluten-free products as they often contain higher levels of fat and sugar.
  • Possible weight gain as the intestinal track recovers and begins to absorb nutrients properly.
  • You’ll have to get your fiber from other sources, not to mention your iron, both of which are very important aspects of a healthy, well balanced diet.

There are actual medical conditions that require you to eat a gluten free diet such as Celiac disease. If you are sensitive to gluten you might want to consider limiting or eliminating gluten entirely. With every change in diet you should consult and expert.


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