Hydration and Limiting Environmental Exposure

Do you want beautiful skin that’s supple, elastic and smooth? Maintaining the fabulous wrinkle-free skin you got from a Toronto fillers procedure is all about how you take care of your skin, and this comes down to hydration and limiting environmental exposure.

Skin that is well hydrated is less susceptible to wrinkles and creases. The retention of water in the outer layers of the skin helps keep wrinkles “filled out” (which is what injectable fillers do as well).

Limiting Environmental Exposure
One of the biggest and most damaging causes of skin problems is the environment. Scientists have found that excessive sun exposure can cause a host of complexion problems, from wrinkles and creases to spots and enlarged pores. It can also cause roughness and just because you may not see it right now, you haven’t escaped from the sun’s effects on your skin. Year after year of excessive sun exposure will add up, and you will see the results of sun-loving ways in the future.

Keep those wrinkles from coming back and getting worse by staying out of the sun, wearing sunscreen anytime you go out, and covering up with clothing.


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