Busting Belly Fat

If you pack on excess pounds in your midsection, you’re at a higher risk of developing serious issues — and they aren’t just related to how you look in a bathing suit! Belly fat can increase your risk of diseases like cancer and diabetes. While CoolSculpting can help reduce the amount of fat under your skin, you’ll still need to follow these healthy tips to get to that fat around your internal organs:

Reduce Belly Fat with These Tips

  1. Up your protein intake. Studies have shown that protein can help fight against belly fat. It also keeps you feeling full for a longer time, decreasing the amount of calories you eat in the long run.
  2. Drink apple cider vinegar diluted with water at least once daily. Doing so helps boost your metabolism so it burns fat faster.
  3. Ramp up your strength training regimen. Increasing the amount of lean muscle tissue helps you burn more calories throughout the day, even when you’re at rest.
  4. Manage your stress levels. Studies have shown that stress can force your body to store fat. Take it easy!
  5. Get your beauty rest. This also helps manage stress levels. Feeling well rested also helps you make wiser food choices.


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