Did you know that ingrown hair can be caused by some hair removal habits? With improper habits, ingrown hair, along with irritation and inflammation, can be a common occurrence. Two hair removal methods that can cause these problems are waxing and tweezing.


When you tweeze and wax, you cause irritation to your skin. This is because these methods can distort the hair follicle, causing new growth to get trapped under your skin. It’s not uncommon for the skin to become pigmented as well.

Once you’ve developed ingrown hairs, it’s hard to get rid of them. While exfoliation can help, consider laser hair removal instead.

Laser hair removal is a form of permanent hair reduction. When you target a hair follicle, that follicle can no longer grow hair anymore, which means you can’t have ingrown hairs anymore! Laser hair removal can restore the quality of the skin and all those annoying brown spots will disappear on their own once the hair is gone permanently.


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