You May Be Able to Beat Heart Disease

Is heart disease in your family? If you’re genetically predisposed to heart disease, there’s good news: you may be able to beat your genes by eating a healthy diet!

Researchers from McGill and McMaster universities, in collaboration with a number of other universities around the world, have found that loading up on fruit and vegetables can actually reverse the genetic variations contributing to heart disease, thereby making you no more likely to suffer from a heart attack than a person who isn’t genetically predisposed to heart disease. The researchers discovered countering of genetic variations in participants who consumed a diet rich in raw fruit, berries, vegetables, as well as nuts and dairy products. The most notable of these foods, however, were raw vegetables. All hail salad!

Although researchers hope that further studies will be conducted to verify results, it is more evidence that simply supports what we already know: veggies are healthy.

And if that isn’t enough to get you to eat your 5 servings of fruit and vegetables everyday, how about the positive impact these foods have on your skin? Packed with antioxidants, vitamins and minerals, a healthy diet will keep your skin smoother and vibrant (prevention is always more effective than treatment with, for example, Toronto skin tightening!).

The complete study is available in Public Library of Science (PLoS) Medicine, a medical journal.


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